Friday, July 3, 2015

Ups and Downs

Life puts you in strange, unfamiliar situations and expect you to deal with it. On a day, you could be swamped with problems of varying nature. How do you deal with it ? Do you just get overwhelmed and just watch time pass by. Or do you jump in and solve one problem at a time ?

What a weird design it is. You are put in a situation against all odds, and you are expected to come out unscathed, ready to face the next barrage of situations.

Why do people get angry ? Is it the reptilian brain taking control of actions. That is the science of it. It is easy to say but is it easy to handle anger outbreaks. It is like an organism that feeds on itself.

Are there solutions to every problem ? Is it possible to think of every problem rationally, logically? I guess not. You have to wait till your reptilian brain has calmed down before you even the start with S of solution.

You may be at your highest high, at the top of the world, on one day. But on the next, life could you send you down the rabbit hole to the lowest low to the dark murky under ground.

But then that is how life is - accept it, face it and live it to the fullest.

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